Privacy Policy

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is focused on the personal information that is collected, stored and shared. Any personal data which you provide to Pro Consult will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, in accordance both with Irish and European Data Protection legislation and with codes of ethics and practice for psychologists (PSI).

This page aims to let you know what personal information is collected by Pro Consult, how it is stored and who it is shared with.

How the information will be stored:

Data Held

At commencement of a new contract, clients will be asked to complete a data privacy summary consent form consenting to our holding of relevant personal data, as part of our contract of working together.

Personal information you will be asked to share with us:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Relevant medical history/ GP contact name
  • Difficulties for which you are seeking help

This data will not be shared with any other party without consent, unless there is a legal requirement or court order to do so, or where there is immediate risk of harm to them or to others. This data will be held by us in paper form in a locked filing cabinet for 7 years.

It is common for counsellors/psychotherapists to write notes during or after sessions. All paper notes will be kept securely in a locked filing cabinet. These notes will consist of a brief summary of some of the points from each appointment attended, for the purposes of aiding in the monitoring of a client's progress. Appropriate records can also help to protect both client and counsellor.


In keeping with codes of ethics for Counsellor/Psychologists, the information shared within the context of treatment is treated in a strictly confidential manner and will not be divulged to others without your consent, except in the following exceptional circumstances:

  • Where there is a serious concern that there may be a threat to your safety or life or that of another.
  • In the context of criminal behaviour and disclosures required by legal process.

Counsellor/Psychologists are required to have regular professional supervision and engage in reflective practice with another psychological therapist as part of their continuing professional development. Supervision aims to provide professional support in order for us to develop knowledge and enhance the psychological treatment provided. During supervision any identifying information pertaining to the clients concerned are not revealed.


Accessing psychological treatment and assessment is both private and confidential. Your information will not ordinarily be shared. However, if information is disclosed which indicates that there is risk of serious harm to an individual (either the client or another person) we have a duty to disclose this. We will always discuss this with you unless we believe doing so increases the risk, at which point we may share your personal information with the relevant person or organisation without your consent.

How long is your information held for?

Paper notes (e.g. those written during sessions) will be held securely for seven years following our final session. This is in line with guidance from the PSI. After this time, they will be securely destroyed.

Electronic Data Records

Any emails to our office email account will be managed as follows:

  • Emails (sent directly to us or forwarded from other referral sources) seeking to make a first appointment or enquiring about the services we offer will be held from no more than 1 month after being responded to and then deleted.

Access to Personal Data

Clients have the right to access their data records via a Subject Access Request (SAR). This access will be arranged within 30 days. Clients may request the updating or correction of data held. Clients may request the return, copy or deletion of their data. However, this is subject to legal requirements where we must hold data for a minimum of 7 years.

Data Breaches

We will notify affected parties of any serious breach of identifiable data. This would include incidents such as theft, loss or unauthorized access by another person. The Data Protection Commission will be notified of a serious breach of data.

Further Information

For more information and to read through your rights please visit the Data Protection Commission website

Any questions about our privacy policy, concerns or complaints about how your data is handled or matters relating to your personal records email: to get in touch.